Complexion Protection: How Are You Taking Care Of Your Skin Right Now?
December 2, 2020
The Hungarian-American dermatologist Erno Lazlo once said, “Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle.” But once the cold weather comes around, that skincare commitment seems to demand another level of intervention, especially for older women. And this winter, beyond the usual heightened winter skin regimens, there’s the constant hand washing…
Voice Over: Does Your Voice Sound Different?
November 4, 2020
If you listen carefully, what do you hear? Does the voice coming from your mouth sound like the voice you’ve always known in your head? Does something sound different? Are you noticing a different pitch or tone or strength of voice when you speak to others? While any of these…
Pandemic Procedures: Are You Embracing Cosmetic Treatments During Covid?
October 14, 2020
Maybe you’re tired of Zoom calls and FaceTime- but maybe you’re also tired of regularly seeing your own face up on the screen, as you’re confronted with the lines, wrinkles, and spots on your face that reveal all too clearly your age and the exposure you’ve had to the sun….
Treating Your Tresses: Are You Losing Hair At This Point?
September 2, 2020
COVID-19 seems to be wreaking havoc on all aspects of the body– from the cardiovascular system to the brain, from one’s sense of hearing to the ability to smell. In fact, the coronavirus is clearly a comprehensive threat to your overall health and well being. Even if you survive with…
Under The Mask: How’s Your Skin Holding Up During The Pandemic?
August 12, 2020
Now that we’re so many months into the pandemic, with widespread recommendations to wear masks for our own protection as well as for others, we’re beginning to see the impact of those masks on the skin that’s been covered up. There’s even a new term for the acne and eruptions…
Within Hearing Distance: Hearing Challenges And A New Understanding Of Age-Related Hearing Loss
July 29, 2020
At a moment in time when we’re all standing farther apart and most of us have masks covering our faces, the world can seem a pretty challenging place for those with hearing impairment. In fact, not being able to understand facial expressions or read lips can be devastating for those…