Prediction And Prevention: What Can Be Done To Lower The Risk Of Falling?
March 19, 2025
As an older adult, you’re likely aware that your risk of falling- and risk of serious injury- continues to rise as you get older. In fact, while the statistic often quoted is that one in four adults 65 and older sustains a fall each year, some experts report that in…
Dealing With Disability While Aging: An Interview With Disability Advocate Dr. Katherine Schneider
October 16, 2024
While agebuzz has never shied away from addressing the challenges you may confront as an aging adult, we have not, to date, sufficiently addressed the issue of disability and how it may affect your aging experience, either as a person with disabilities who is getting older or as an older…
Don’t Fall Behind: Recent Insights on Balance And Fall Prevention
June 12, 2024
In case you need a reminder, the statistics are somewhat startling. Around the world each year, more than 680,000 adults die from a fall, while millions of additional adults require serious medical attention as a result of a fall. Adults over the age of 60 have the highest rates of…
The Driving Force: Planning For The Day When Driving Is Done
January 31, 2024
There are many reasons to be concerned about the safety and abilities of older drivers in this day and age, reasons that have nothing to do with outdated stereotypes or ageist tropes. There are currently 48 million drivers ages 65 and older on US roads, which is nearly 70% more…
Slips And Falls: The Indignities and Injuries From Falling
January 3, 2024
Welcome to 2024. Will it be a productive, prosperous, and happy New Year? Or will injury or embarrassment befall you at some point, as you find yourself tripping, slipping, or otherwise heading to the ground? You know the statistics, or you should at this point, given how often we at…
In The Balance: Understanding Balance and Lowering Fall Risks
October 11, 2023
As you likely know, falls are a significant cause of serious injury and even death in older adults, and their incidence is on the rise. While there are many reasons you may experience a fall, having good balance is an essential component for preventing a fall or minimizing your injuries…