The Green Light: Environmentally Sensitive Options At Life’s End
March 16, 2022
Have you made your plans? Do you know what you want? While the concept of planning in advance has been promoted for years regarding end-of-life health care and decision-making, what may be new is that now there are an array of post-death options to consider as well. It’s not just…
Women Of A Certain Age: Health Concerns For Older Women
January 19, 2022
Among the many differences between men and women are the ways that they experience the aging process. We’ve previously touched on several ways that men and women are different, including the length of their life spans, the physical and cognitive challenges they face, and their experiences as caregivers for aging…
Brain Power: Better Cognition Through Physical Exercise
January 5, 2022
Over the years we’ve explored the connection between exercise and building brain health. The evidence has been building for a while that keeping your body moving and physically fit not only supports better physical aging but can also keep your mind robust and functioning despite advancing age. Now we can…
Cold Weather Walking: Prep Yourself For Staying Outside
October 20, 2021
If there’s been any sort of silver lining to the COVID pandemic, it may be what writer Samhita Mukhopadhyay calls “the walking revolution” that’s gripped the country over the last 18 months. According to Mukhopadhyay, a recent survey conducted by Rockport shoes found that 53% of US adults are walking…
Coffee Talk: How To Think About Your Daily Coffee Consumption
September 29, 2021
Did you celebrate National Coffee Day yesterday (September 29th) and get your free cup of coffee from the many outlets participating in the celebration? If not, International Coffee Day is tomorrow (October 1st) and you can raise a cup of Joe in celebration. For a bit of perspective, consider this:…
Hot Stuff: Older Adults And Climate Change
September 8, 2021
No matter where you live, you’ve likely now felt the effects. As The Washington Post recently reported, nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer and 64% of us live in a place that experienced a multi-day heatwave sometime in the last few months. It’s no longer…