No Stress: Lowering Your Stress Levels Will Improve Your Health
June 12, 2024
No one could blame you if you feel under stress these days. Putting aside world and domestic events (which are likely the cause of stress for an untold number of us), if your health is problematic, your caregiving responsibilities are significant, your money concerns are ever-present or life is not…
After I Do: Divorce And Dating As An Older Adult
April 24, 2024
While we’ve previously noted that divorce is on the rise among older adults, and second and even third marriages often fail, we didn’t see this coming. It turns out that the Golden Bachelor’s match made in heaven has come crashing down to earth. You may remember last fall the buzz…
Fine Tune: Mounting Evidence That Music Boosts Your Aging Brain
February 14, 2024
It’s likely that most of us have a favorite song or musical artist from our younger days. But what about today? Are you still listening to your favorite songs from days gone by? Have you discovered new artists you enjoy? Have you become a Taylor Swift devotee or are you…
Dis-Solution: Long Term Marriages Ending In Divorce
February 7, 2024
The list has been ongoing and in the public eye: Long-time couples, seemingly doing well from a distance, end up in divorce at a time in life when marriage dissolution seems unlikely (As one older divorcée commented, “Sixty was the age of leaving the house and returning for the car…
Tips For Tidying: Trying To Clear The Clutter
January 3, 2024
Now that it’s 2024, many will start the year by saying, “Out with the old, in with the new.” But when it comes to the products and possessions that fill your life (and your living space), “in with the new” may be a questionable tactic and even downright dysfunctional. Too…
Alone And Lonely: Responding To This Very Common Predicament
November 8, 2023
Is there a difference between being alone and being lonely? At this point, so many older adults are alone, vulnerable to the health consequences that are more likely as a solo ager and without the supports that typically allow an older adult to remain active and engaged. But does being…