Plow Ahead: Learning Resilience To Cope With Current Times
August 5, 2020
No one would fault you if you feel despair or distress right now. In addition to whatever personal challenges you face, we all know the world is going through unprecedented turmoil from the pandemic and its economic aftermath, in addition to worldwide political upheavals. Admittedly, some of us are able…
Losing Touch: The Challenge of Touch Deprivation During Quarantine
June 3, 2020
The public health guidance has been clear and ongoing: Avoid shaking hands and touching foreign objects or people; wear gloves when you come into contact with frequently-touched surfaces; don’t touch your face; maintain social distance and avoid close proximity to other people. In essence, touching another person outside of your…
Quarantine Fatigue: Are You Getting Antsy To Get Out?
May 13, 2020
Given our individual circumstances, each of our situations has been unique as we quarantine during this pandemic. For some, that may mean sitting on the front porch or spending time in the backyard, with a lawn or long walks to keep ourselves sane. But for many, especially those quarantining alone,…
Mental Health Days: How Are You Taking Care Of Yourself?
April 29, 2020
Raise your hand if the past several weeks have left you feeling anxious, uncertain, and perhaps even outright scared. With good reason, you may be experiencing emotions and thoughts you’ve never felt before, and the uncertainty of the timing and outcome of this pandemic may only heighten the stress and…
A Funny Feeling: Yes It’s Okay To Indulge In Humor Right Now
April 29, 2020
“If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.” Never have more relevant words been spoken, at least during this pandemic. For many of us, we are surrounded by uncertainty, isolation, fiscal and emotional distress, and even death. We are mourning, and grieving and missing and yes, crying. So is it also okay…
On Your Mind: Updates And Resources About The Benefits Of Mindfulness
April 8, 2020
It wasn’t very long ago (though pre-coronavirus) that we at agebuzz touted the benefits of mindfulness for stress reduction and even potentially lowering your blood pressure. Since then, new research has been published out of Flinders University in Australia that underscores both the protective and restorative benefits of mindfulness as…