Early Indication: Apathy May Signal The Onset Of Dementia
October 21, 2020
While we know that healthy lifestyle behaviors can lessen the risk of being stricken with dementia and even slow the pace once symptoms of mild cognitive impairment appear, ultimately we still have little in our arsenal to stop brain deterioration from dementia once it’s taken hold. That makes it all…
Sit Down, Then Head Out: Sitting May Have Benefits But So Does Getting Outdoors
October 21, 2020
For a long time now, including from agebuzz, the warnings have been consistent, i.e., that “sitting is the new smoking” and the more sedentary your lifestyle, the more harm to your health. So when reports recently surfaced that sitting, in fact, may not be so bad for you, we had…
Letter Perfect: The Re-Emergence And Value Of Letter Writing
September 23, 2020
In some ways, we’ve never been more connected with our friends and family, despite the presence of social distancing. We can Telephone, Zoom, FaceTime, Text, or Email and within a matter of seconds, check up on those we are missing. Yet, for many, especially older adults, this tech-connection leaves something…
Stress and Strain: Coping During COVID
September 23, 2020
It’s not just you. The stress of the ongoing pandemic is everywhere: With no discernible end in sight, and with ongoing uncertainty about our futures and our ability to regain full control over our lives, almost everyone feels the effects at this point. In some ways, what we’re all living…
Take This To Heart: Heart Health During This Time
August 19, 2020
It’s enough to make you stop in your tracks: Recently, Dr. Haider Warraich, a cardiologist and author of the book State of the Heart: Exploring The History, Science and Future of Cardiac Disease, warned that we may see a new wave of increased heart disease in our country as a…
Altered Plates: Changes In What And How We’re Eating
August 5, 2020
We won’t ask you to step on the scale, but many of us have experienced an altered state of eating since the pandemic began, including admission into the “quarantine 15” weight gain club. In a recent post in Forbes, writer Randi Mazzella cites a new study reporting that 76% of…