Capsule Caution: What Supplements Do You Really Need?
September 15, 2021
With all the talk and attention on staying healthy these days, you may be tempted to ingest whatever you think can boost your vitamin and nutrient intake to the max. After all, if a small amount of vitamin C or calcium is good for you, isn’t more better? And isn’t…
Unclogged Arteries: Updates On Eliminating Cholesterol
September 8, 2021
Chances are if you’re an older adult, you’re either taking a Statin medication to lower your cholesterol or you’ve been advised to alter your diet to eliminate foods that may exacerbate the build-up of cholesterol in your bloodstream. It’s almost a right of passage as you enter your later years…
Upended: New Research Changes The Way We Should Think About Metabolism
September 1, 2021
If you’ve put on weight as you’ve gotten older (and frankly, who hasn’t?) you’ve perhaps chalked it up to a slowing metabolism. After all, as a younger adult, you could eat practically whatever you wanted because your youthful metabolism would burn up those extra calories. But once you hit middle…
Eat To Live: Simple Substitutes For Better Health And Longer Life
September 1, 2021
We’ve certainly posted articles in agebuzz over the years about strategies for extending both your health span and life span. While there are innumerable ideas about diet, exercise, brain engagement, and stress reduction, it can be overwhelming in your daily life to remember what you can do to improve your…
Gut Reaction: The Connection Between Your Gut And Aging Brain
August 25, 2021
We’ve raised the connection before and now, with research described as a “tour de force,” researchers out of Ireland have found a correlation between the microbiome of your gastrointestinal tract and the aging of your brain. Published in the journal Nature Aging, this new study from University College Cork transplanted…
Dental Visits To Fight Dementia: A Healthy Mouth Supports A Healthier Brain
July 14, 2021
It may sound like a broken record, but there’s ample evidence to support the conclusion: the healthier your teeth and gums, the better for your body and brain. Which makes a recent survey all the more worrisome: Even before the pandemic, ⅓ of all adults under 65 had not had…