Weigh Out: Does Your Weight Matter At Your Age?
April 19, 2023
Raise your hand if you’ve spent way too many years (decades?) worried about your weight. For far too many, concern about one’s weight, weight gain, or inability to lose weight has been an all-consuming source of anxiety and distress. Apparently, on any given day in the United States, it’s been…
Go Nuts: Your Diet (And Health) Will Benefit From Added Nuts
April 5, 2023
Regular agebuzz readers are aware of the physical and cognitive health benefits derived from adhering to a healthy diet. Among the most recognized and recommended diets is the Mediterranean diet, which primarily consists of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, seeds, and nuts. While not everyone consistently…
Food “Farmacy”: Food “Prescriptions” For Physical And Cognitive Health
February 22, 2023
You don’t need to be a physician to understand that the food you eat is directly implicated in how you feel. Whether in the short term (feeling bloated after eating a rich and heavy, late-night meal) or the longer term (too much ultra-processed food leading to an obesity problem and…
A Bite To Eat: Healthy Aging Through Conscientious Eating
February 15, 2023
A little less than a year ago we spotlighted research results from the CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of Long Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy) Trial, a research study looking at the effects of calorie reduction on the biology of aging. The study results at that time suggested that calorie…
Another Win: The Mediterranean Diet Is Again Rated Best For Healthy Aging
January 11, 2023
Well, US News rankings may be under fire among college applicants, but for those concerned about healthy aging, there’s still much to be said about its health ratings of diets. Once again for the 6th year in a row, the publication has rated the Mediterranean Diet as the best diet…
Carry Water: Poor Hydration May Accelerate Aging
January 11, 2023
While for many, the new year conjures up the notion of “dry January” (meaning abstaining from alcohol), it’s clear from recent research as well as long-established scientific evidence that when it comes to drinking water, it’s important to regularly drink, especially for older adults. We’ve previously addressed the concerns that…