Check This Out: Elizabeth Bailey, Author Of The Best Selling Book, The Patient’s Checklist, Is Now An agebuzz Guest Blogger!
May 12, 2021
You may know her best as the author of the New York Time’s best-seller, The Patient’s Checklist: 10 Simple Hospital Checklists To Keep You Safe, Sane And Organized. She’s an expert on everything you need to consider if you or a loved one becomes hospitalized. But writer Elizabeth Bailey also…
On The Record: New Regulations Address Access To Your Medical Records
April 21, 2021
Anyone who’s ever tried to get their medical record from a particular care provider, much less organize the totality of their record from a range of providers, knows that it can be a herculean task to get it all together. While agebuzz readers know from the Powerhouse Patient series by…
Go With A Plan: Have You Written Your Advance Care Planning Documents?
April 14, 2021
In the early months of the pandemic, especially when it became clear that older adults were at high risk of serious illness or even death from COVID, there was the hope that advance care planning (documenting your wishes regarding end-of-life care and appointing a health care proxy to speak on…
Get Back: It’s Time To Go Back For Preventive Health Care Visits
April 7, 2021
As the world begins to open up and your coronavirus vaccinations have been completed, perhaps you’re plotting a return to the things you’ve missed most: taking in a movie, lunch with good friends, visits with loved ones. And visits to the doctor? While that may not be high on your…
Hold The Phone: What’s Your Take On Telemedicine?
August 19, 2020
According to a brand new survey from the National Poll on Healthy Aging, up until May of 2019, only 4% of adults age 50-80 had ever experienced a telemedicine visit with a health care provider. However, from the 3 months of March- June 2020, 26% of respondents had had such…
Picture Perfect? The New Reality Of Telemedicine
June 17, 2020
It’s hard to believe that only a few months ago (back in the pre-pandemic days), virtually none of us had ever heard of, much less experienced, a telemedicine visit with our doctor or a recommended specialist. For many of us, there was no reason (or option) to speak with your…