Planning Ahead: The New PBS Documentary “Fast Forward”
March 24, 2021
If you’re like the majority of people, it’s a conversation you’ve likely avoided. Most of us try to steer clear of contemplating what the future may entail, much less plan ahead and take specific actions in response to what we can anticipate. It’s not a particularly uplifting conversation to consider…
Early Action: Frailty Can Begin Much Earlier Than You Realize
March 17, 2021
Face it: When you conjure up an image of a frail person, you likely picture an older man or woman, hunched over a walker and moving at a snail’s pace. And while that image may reflect a certain percentage of our senior population (Johns Hopkins estimates that 7-12% of adults…
Care For The Long Term: Are You Rethinking The Need For Long Term Care Insurance?
September 23, 2020
The deadly impact of the coronavirus, especially among long term care residents, has certainly highlighted a fact of life that many of us would like to deny or avoid: that is, the difficult decision to have a loved one or even yourself live in such a facility. Infection control measures…
Back At It: What You Need To Know About Causes And Treatments For Back Pain
February 26, 2020
If you’re an older adult or heading in that direction, chances are at some point, you will experience back pain. Estimates are that 70% of adults suffer from back pain, which is considered the leading cause of disability and tends to reach its height during your later years. In particular,…
What’s Ahead: Predictions For An Aging Population In The 2020s
January 22, 2020
While no one can predict exactly what lies ahead, those in the know are using demographic data and trends to paint a rather worrisome picture for the next decade as the number of older adults rises both in the US and across the globe. According to demographer Dudley Poston, the…
What’s Your Score? A New Risk Assessment Tool For People With Multiple Chronic Conditions
June 26, 2019
Dealing with a serious medical condition can be tough. And according to existing data, 45% of all adults are dealing with several chronic conditions, including glaucoma, diabetes or heart disease. With older adults, the numbers are even worse: 80% of adults over 65 suffer from multiple chronic conditions. Along…