Home Sweet Home: What Are Your Plans To Age In Place?
April 20, 2022
It’s been long assumed that most people want to grow older living in the community rather than moving to an assisted living facility or some other institutional setting (though remember, as we posted recently, “aging-in-place” often necessitates outside support and communal efforts to be successful). Demographically, it’s been estimated that…
Skill Set: Can You Still Handle The Practical Activities Of Daily Living?
March 30, 2022
Intuitively, you likely know what the essential skills are for living independently and on your own in the community: You need to be able to walk (or otherwise get around your environment), eat, and toilet yourself. You also need to be able to obtain and prepare food, keep yourself and…
Open These Books: New Titles For Your Reading Pleasure
March 9, 2022
As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it may be the time to grab a book and sit outside. And if you’re looking for inspiration and thought-provoking insights, you can’t do much better than some of the new books just released. In their own way, each addresses…
That Will Cost You: Caring For Yourself Or Loved Ones During The Later Years
October 6, 2021
It’s a mixed message for sure, but one to which we need to pay careful attention. In a new study out of the Center For Retirement Research at Boston College, experts found that the percentage of older adults needing long-term care services is a more nuanced picture than the media…
Becoming A “Fall Prevention” Detective: Practical Advice From Expert Molly Roffman
May 19, 2021
As an agebuzz reader, you’re likely aware of the important advice we’ve shared from Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman. Whether it’s keeping us alert and upright, or sharing wisdom on how to regain strength and balance after the pandemic activity pause, Molly’s got essential information to help us all…
Pave The Way: Adaptive Products That Allow You To Age In Place
April 28, 2021
It’s a truism we’ve addressed many times: most of us would prefer to “age in place” as we get older. We want to stay in a familiar environment, among the people and places we love, rather than move to a facility. But for many, physical impairment may accompany aging, so…