Go Easy: Updates on Constipation Advice
May 31, 2023
It’s a perennial problem that seems to only get worse with aging. Constipation is considered the most frequent gastrointestinal complaint, and while older adults are not the only ones who suffer, they are afflicted with more frequency. About 16% of adults have chronic constipation, but for adults aged 60 and…
The Case Is Clear: A Healthy Diet Is Directly Tied To Healthier Aging
May 17, 2023
If you’ve harbored any doubts about the value of a healthy diet for healthier aging, it’s time to put those aside. Having built the case with all of our previous posts, and now with even more new evidence reported, it’s clear that diet is one of the primary determinants of…
Weigh Out: Does Your Weight Matter At Your Age?
April 19, 2023
Raise your hand if you’ve spent way too many years (decades?) worried about your weight. For far too many, concern about one’s weight, weight gain, or inability to lose weight has been an all-consuming source of anxiety and distress. Apparently, on any given day in the United States, it’s been…
Food “Farmacy”: Food “Prescriptions” For Physical And Cognitive Health
February 22, 2023
You don’t need to be a physician to understand that the food you eat is directly implicated in how you feel. Whether in the short term (feeling bloated after eating a rich and heavy, late-night meal) or the longer term (too much ultra-processed food leading to an obesity problem and…
A Bite To Eat: Healthy Aging Through Conscientious Eating
February 15, 2023
A little less than a year ago we spotlighted research results from the CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of Long Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy) Trial, a research study looking at the effects of calorie reduction on the biology of aging. The study results at that time suggested that calorie…
One More Cup: New Studies And Insights About Drinking Coffee
February 1, 2023
While research studies and analyses continue to send mixed signals about the health effects of coffee, the general sense that coffee is an essential, pleasurable, and protective beverage continues. With more than 2 billion cups of coffee served worldwide each day, the demand and desire for coffee remain strong. A…