Mission To Wellness: An Interview With Certified Holistic Health Coach Daryl Moss
March 31, 2021
Daryl Moss is the Founder of Mission To Wellness, a Nutritional, Health, and Wellness Coaching Service located in New York. Through individual one-on-one counseling as well as group sessions (all available virtually), she works with clients to provide concrete support and guidance as they journey toward better health and wellness….
Potbelly: How To Respond To Growing Belly Fat
March 24, 2021
The proof is in the pudding (actually skip the pudding and concentrate on the proof). As a nation, we have gained significant weight during the pandemic. Estimates are that on average Americans have gained 2 pounds during every month of lockdown. Not only is it more difficult to lose that…
Food Factors: More Evidence That What You Eat Affects How You Feel
March 17, 2021
You are what you eat, as the old saying goes. And for too many of us, what we’re eating is doing in our hearts. Regular readers of agebuzz know that your diet can directly impact your cardiovascular system and up your risk of heart disease, stroke, or even death. A…
High Five: The Definitive Food Balance For Your Daily Diet
March 3, 2021
Figuring out what to eat these days can be complicated. But some food advice is quite clear. For instance, there’s strong evidence that “5-a-day,” that is, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, is both essential for healthy aging and now, with new research in the journal Circulation, associated…
Best Beverages: More News On Coffee and Tea
February 17, 2021
During these cold, winter days, many of us are likely reaching for a hot beverage. And if you’re like most of the world (upwards of 80% of adults worldwide), your beverage of choice includes a caffeinated drink, likely either coffee or tea. And while we’ve espoused the benefits to be…
Weighed Down: Coming To Terms With Your Pandemic Weight Gain
January 27, 2021
There’s no shame in admitting it and you’re certainly not alone: around the world, the pandemic has led to a significant number of us indulging in stress eating, unhealthy calorie consumption, and inevitable weight gain as a result. If you’ve been snacking on french fries rather than fruit or consuming…