Tune In: The Benefits Of Technology For The Over 80 Set
December 8, 2016
As people live longer and the over 80 segment of the population grows larger, researchers are beginning to focus on how to improve the lives of these very senior citizens. Scientists at Stanford recently published a piece in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences that highlights the real value that information…
Tune In: The Benefits Of Technology For The Over 80 Set
December 8, 2016
As people live longer and the over 80 segment of the population grows larger, researchers are beginning to focus on how to improve the lives of these very senior citizens. Scientists at Stanford recently published a piece in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences that highlights the real value that information…
Clean Up Your Act: Putting Your Digital Affairs in Order
July 28, 2016
Less than half of all Americans have arranged their financial affairs and executed a will for their descendants. But even fewer have taken the additional step of putting their digital affairs in order. So much of our lives these days are conducted online, and following your death, no one can…
Clean Up Your Act: Putting Your Digital Affairs in Order
July 28, 2016
Less than half of all Americans have arranged their financial affairs and executed a will for their descendants. But even fewer have taken the additional step of putting their digital affairs in order. So much of our lives these days are conducted online, and following your death, no one can…