Book Keeping: Consider These New Books For Your Collection
September 22, 2021
Periodically, we like to make sure you’re aware of newly published or about-to-be-published books by authors addressing various aspects of aging. This new season is no exception to the trend of “aging” books, each written about a different and sometimes highly personal challenge that many of us face as we…
Face To Face: The Impact Of Aging On Facial Features
September 1, 2021
We’ve never shied away from directly addressing what aging can do to your looks, and we’ve certainly delved into procedures and products to address the toll of time on your face. Therefore, in our continuing examination of facial aging, we have a few new areas that may deserve your attention….
Do Your Own Thing: Post Pandemic Fashion Trends
June 16, 2021
You may remember that last summer was the summer of the house dress or the nap dress, an item of clothing that reflected our uncertainty about whether we could leave the house and how casual we could dress, given the times and circumstances. This summer may instead be all about…
Women Of Influence: Older Women On Social Media
March 31, 2021
Whether on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, you’ve likely encountered older women who have made a name and face for themselves by becoming “Influencers.” These platforms have clearly gone beyond the territory of millennials as you can now encounter hundreds of sites with hashtags such as #over50style or #fashionatanyage that try…
Considerate Consumption: Creating A Fashionable Wardrobe For Current Times
October 7, 2020
Knee deep into the typical fall fashion season, many are wondering what’s the point – at this point? Who knows when we’ll ever be out celebrating or socializing again, so what does it matter what we wear? And who has money or interest in buying new clothes when so much…
Work Up A Sweat: Your Aging Body Needs Exercise
August 26, 2020
It’s an old cliché: Use it or lose it, as the saying goes. Most of us know that exercise and movement are essential components for healthy aging. Yet many of us resist, making excuses and looking for reasons not to get up off the couch. Especially during the last several…