Write On: Is It Time To Put Your Story Into Written Form?
January 25, 2018
After we reach a certain age, it’s certainly common to look back over the life we’ve led and wonder: what has it all added up to, and are there lessons here, for myself or others? That’s often the impetus for people to write memoirs- as a way to make sense…
Write Away: New Books Of Interest
January 4, 2018
You may know her as the world-renowned science fiction writer you or your kids adore. But Ursula Le Guin is also a prolific writer of non-fiction, and at the age of 81, she started a non-fiction blog that vividly displays her insights and wit. Now, many of those blog posts…
An Open Book: Become A Member Of This New Virtual Book Club
November 16, 2017
Maybe you love to read but haven’t had the time or inclination to join a reading group. Or, maybe you’re already in a book group but your group’s in need of a little novelty or challenge. Well, best- selling author and novelist Jane Green has news for you. She’s starting the…
For Those Who Care: November Is National Family Caregivers Month
November 16, 2017
Those of you caring for aging loved ones need no reminder- but for the rest of us, it’s important to acknowledge the reality that family caregiving is a very tough job, and family caregivers need help and support. In recognition, November has been declared National Family Caregiver Month, and the “theme”…
Write Away: Older Characters And Aging Authors
November 2, 2017
For many of us, reading is truly one of life’s great pleasures. Losing oneself in a book can be the most relaxing and engaging activity during our day. Sometimes, a great book is pure escape and fantasy- and sometimes it provides real life lessons. Recently, the Nigerian writer Sarah Ladipo…
Mothering While Growing Older: Insights Into The Ongoing Relationship Between Older Mothers & Adult Daughters
October 26, 2017
While older women often look forward to their role as grandmothers, they nonetheless are always and still mothers to their adult children. And sometimes the circumstance of being an older mother to older children can have its own complications. In their just published new book, It Never Ends: Mothering Middle-Aged Daughters,…