May Movement: Vital Exercise Is Easy To Do From Home
May 6, 2020
Many of us have probably lost track of how many weeks it’s been of quarantining at home and becoming all-too-familiar with our living room couches. Chances are, despite the improving weather, you may not be moving as much as you used to and your normal fitness routines may have fallen…
Still More To Discover: A Fifth Week Of Delightful Distractions!
May 6, 2020
Despite the pandemic, we are fortunate that good content keeps coming to distract us. From new shows to new (and newly discovered) books, there’s surely something to catch your attention and engage your mind. So, without further ado, dive into the following: For movie lovers: -There are several…
Additional Distractions: More Options To Keep You Occupied
April 29, 2020
So we’re up to week four of providing you with additional distractions to keep your mind away from difficulties and to spark some joy in your life. And luckily for us, the creative content and ingenious ideas keep coming. So, to continue our quest to distract you, consider the following:…
Marriage Challenges: Staying Together When You Can’t Be Apart
April 22, 2020
Those of us in long-term relationships probably thought we’d seen and experienced it all- until the coronavirus hit- and the “intense togetherness” of being confined with our partners began. It’s one thing to be in a loving, long-term relationship. It’s quite another to be indefinitely detained with no ending in…
Even More To Discover: Delightful Distractions Part 3
April 22, 2020
So we’re how many weeks into sheltering-in-place? If you’ve lost count, join the club. And, if you’ve exhausted your recipe list, completed your backyard marathon run, and used up your patience with podcasts, we have yet another list of delightful distractions to keep you occupied. Take a look at the…
Out Of This World: Thinking About Future Travel Plans
April 15, 2020
Chances are you, or someone you know has had to cancel upcoming travel plans due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus. If you’re healthy and safe, that’s perhaps not such a terrible ordeal but rather a disappointment and maybe inconvenience. But many of us who are at a later…