Pandemic Portraits: Photography And Images That Capture Our Current Situation
August 26, 2020
The photographer Ansel Adams once said, “Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real.” In the reality of our current times, it’s hard to process the collective trauma we’ve all been experiencing, yet there are intrepid photographers who today are capturing the story of the pandemic, especially its…
Shelf Life: What Are You Reading These Days?
August 12, 2020
We’re in the homestretch- those lazy days of summer that usually mean relaxation and rest before the Fall rush begins- Oh wait, that’s a sweet vision from a previous life. Many of us instead are in a constant state of anxiety, worried about our futures and bickering in the present….
Nip It In The Bud: Ways To Prevent or Delay Dementia
August 5, 2020
You already know the drill: right now we have few effective treatments to help persons afflicted with dementia. And given that estimates are that 50 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with dementia, that’s a tremendous amount of suffering and burden on both patients and their caregivers. If there’s any…
Altered Plates: Changes In What And How We’re Eating
August 5, 2020
We won’t ask you to step on the scale, but many of us have experienced an altered state of eating since the pandemic began, including admission into the “quarantine 15” weight gain club. In a recent post in Forbes, writer Randi Mazzella cites a new study reporting that 76% of…
Take A Look: Memorable Movies From Your Past And New Movies To Discover
July 15, 2020
It’s not just you- literally no one has gone to the movies in many months- and the prospects for returning to a movie theater anytime soon seem remote (that is, if you’re even willing to step inside a theater again). But luckily, we are in the golden age of streaming…
Walk Along: Now Is The Time To Get The Benefits From Walking
July 15, 2020
The summer heat and humidity may not be the best motivators to get you active outside. Yet so many of us are exhausted and cranky from too much time spent indoors and without social connection due to the coronavirus. And while we can’t advocate that you once again take up…