In Style: Figuring Out Fashion For Those Of Us Over 50
April 11, 2018
While you may have been a slave to fashion in your younger years, chances are that as you’ve gotten older, you’re more likely to be just as concerned with comfort as you are with couture. And for many of us, along with age has come the wisdom and confidence to know…
Musings Of A Geriatric Starlet: Iris Apfel Has A New Book Coming Out
February 22, 2018
Never one to shy away from the public gaze, 96-year-old glamour girl Iris Apfel is at it again. Not content to rest on her laurels as a home-shopping network designer or public commentator on fashion trends, Apfel is about to release her latest book, Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon. With her unique blend…
Gray Matter: Accepting Your Natural Hair Color
January 25, 2018
To paraphrase Nora Ephron: There’s a reason today why older women often do not look their age, and it has nothing to do with diet or beauty secrets: it’s that women (and, now, often men) dye their hair. Allowing your gray (or silver or white) natural hair color to see…
Face It: Facial Exercises That Can Improve Your Appearance
January 11, 2018
For many of us, looking in the mirror is the surest sign we are getting older. Some of us accept facial changes, and even embrace them as badges of honor. On the other extreme, some of us hightail it to the closest plastic surgeon to try to inject and interrupt…
Skin In The Game: Taking Care Of Your Skin As You Age
December 7, 2017
For many of us, winter weather is often accompanied by nagging skin problems- dryness, itchiness, and all sorts of other reactions from cold air and dry indoor heat. And as we get older, challenges with our skin can multiply for an assortment of reasons, including health problems and the medications…
3M: Model Maye Musk: Fashion Icon, Nutrition Expert And Runway Model At Age 69
September 14, 2017
Right now in New York, there is quite a lot of hoopla going on for New York Fashion Week. And one of the most in-demand models currently walking the runway is Maye Musk, who, at 69, has a modeling career that’s the envy of models just a quarter of her…