Fine Lines: A New Source For Interesting Essays on Aging
July 18, 2018
These days, if your thoughts don’t fit into a Twitter rant or social media posting, you’re often ignored as a writer or social commentator. But thoughtful consideration of aging, and all that it entails, really requires more than a pithy phrase or soundbite. If you feel that way as well, and…
Time To Bone Up: Should You Have Collagen In Your Diet Or Clothing?
July 18, 2018
If you follow health food fads at all, you know there’s always some new craze or suggestion for the latest ingredient you should eat or spread over your body, and there are always fabulous results promised as a consequence. Some of this is outright quackery, but some have more basis…
A New You? Cosmetic Procedures As You Age
June 28, 2018
For many of us, the lines on our face and crinkles around our eyes are badges of honor and testaments to the privilege that we are able to grow older. But for others, these signs of aging are worrisome and distressing, driving some to the nearest doctor’s office to see what…
Beauty Mark: Makeup For Older Women
June 21, 2018
Sometimes you just have to face it: When you look in the mirror the image that stares back may not be exactly what you expect. At least for some of us, there’s a disconnect between how we think of ourselves and what we actually see when we look in the…
What Is Beauty? Photographs of Beautiful Centenarians
May 14, 2018
Be honest: if asked to describe a beautiful woman, would you conjure up the image of a woman in her later years? Well, photographer Arianne Clement wants to challenge you- and wow you- with her recent portraits of women over 100 years old. When she began this photo project, Clement…
Skin Deep: Struggling With The Visual Signs Of Facial Aging
April 18, 2018
We’d like to believe we don’t care- it’s what’s inside that matters. But frankly, few of us can pass a mirror without wondering what’s happened to our previously youthful looks, and what can be done to stop or at least minimize the natural aging of our faces. And if you’ve come…