Lip Service: Understanding And Responding To Facial And Neck Changes Due To Aging
March 27, 2019
Sometimes it feels like a losing battle: Just when you covered the gray or think you have your weight under control, you suddenly realize your hairline is receding or your ears are hanging lower, or maybe there are bulges under your chin. While many of us embrace the changes, some…
Inside And Out: Taking Care Of Your Skin For Your Image And Your Health
March 20, 2019
How your skin appears on your face, your neck or even your hands is one of the first telltale signs of how old you are. No matter how youthful you dress or behave, your skin usually doesn’t lie. And while most of us try to slather on the balms and…
Keeping Up: Maintaining Your Appearance No Matter Age Nor Place
March 13, 2019
Author and social commentator Fran Leibowitz once said, “You’re only as good as your last haircut.” For most of us, personal grooming is an essential part of our daily routine and of sustaining our self-confidence. And there’s no reason for that to change as we get older, even if we…
Gray Matter: Embracing Gray Hair As You Age
March 1, 2019
Whether you love it or loathe it, gray hair is a common part of the aging process for most people. But why do some of us go gray sooner than others? Some are blessed with their natural hair color well into their 60s and beyond, while others start sprouting gray…
The Price Of Beauty: Expensive Products And Make-Up Advice
February 6, 2019
Does this sound familiar? Every year your bathroom counter seems cluttered by an increasing number of new products. It’s easy as we age to fall prey to the latest skincare miracle or makeup magic. But are you really getting your money’s worth when you buy that $150 face cream? Probably…
Picture Perfect: Photographic Images That Capture The Beauty Of Aging
January 16, 2019
Not all of us see beauty when confronted with aging bodies. But there’s little doubt that the photos of Anastasia Pottinger portray haunting and beautiful images of those who have reached the age of 100. In her new book of photos, 100: What Time Creates, you’ll find glorious and intimate…