COVID Couples: Love In The Time Of COVID
February 10, 2021
If ever there were a reason for relationships to be under stress, now would be that time. However strong your marriage or long term relationship has been, the pressures from the pandemic- be they financial, physical, emotional, or too much togetherness- have caused even the best relationships to occasionally buckle…
Tall Tales: Myths, Tricks, And Misinformation About COVID Vaccines
February 10, 2021
Throughout the many months of the pandemic, anxiety, fear, and a lack of information have left many not only vulnerable to the virus but also at risk for accepting misinformation and falling for scams. Early on, agebuzz provided recommended websites for accurate and up-to-date info because the spread of myths…
Aging Today And Tomorrow: How Will The Pandemic Change Aging Going Forward?
February 3, 2021
If there’s one thing that COVID has revealed, it’s the contradictory nature of aging at this moment in time. Never have the words of Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” rung more true. For many seniors, the pandemic has truly been a horror…
Vaccines Redux: More Info and Insights Regarding COVID Vaccines
February 3, 2021
If we keep returning to the topic of COVID-19 vaccines, it’s for good reason: the news (and virus variants) are coming fast and furiously, and the more we find out about the vaccines and the vaccination process, the more complex a picture we have about how to fight this pandemic…
Pandemic Planning: Arranging An Excursion For After Your Vaccination
January 27, 2021
Admit it. You’re probably giving it some thought, if not daydreaming of the day in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future when you can take off again and travel out into the world. In fact, this week was the newly anointed holiday, “National Plan For Vacation Day!” Did you celebrate? Pick a…
Weighed Down: Coming To Terms With Your Pandemic Weight Gain
January 27, 2021
There’s no shame in admitting it and you’re certainly not alone: around the world, the pandemic has led to a significant number of us indulging in stress eating, unhealthy calorie consumption, and inevitable weight gain as a result. If you’ve been snacking on french fries rather than fruit or consuming…