Dreams And Doulas: Positive Influences As Death Approaches
March 3, 2021
If there’s any silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic, it just may be that each of us has had to confront the reality of death in a way we’ve never had to previously. While so many during COVID have had to face the harsh reality of a hospital death without…
Muscle Memory: Preventing The Loss Of Muscle Mass
February 24, 2021
Many of us right now are probably good living examples of what happens when you become physically inactive and begin to lose muscle mass (called sarcopenia when the loss becomes serious and accelerated). Because of the pandemic, activity levels have plummeted, time on the couch has expanded, and as a…
Don’t Buy Into It: The Harm Of Ageist Stereotypes
February 24, 2021
Throughout the pandemic (and even before that) we’ve been tracking the ageist attitudes and impact that ageism can have on older adults. Whether it’s been questioning the provision of limited COVID treatments for older adults or the layoffs of older workers during the economic downturn (not to mention the often…
Colds, Flu And You: What Have We Learned To Protect Ourselves Going Forward?
February 24, 2021
Those of us fortunate enough to have avoided COVID probably have something else to celebrate: no real flu and few common colds this winter. In fact, only about 1400 people in the US have tested positive for the flu this season, just a small fraction of the usual numbers. And…
Grief Stricken: How The Pandemic Has Affected Our Grief Rituals
February 17, 2021
Early in the pandemic, we reported on the way funeral plans and mourning rituals were changing as a result of the devastation of the coronavirus. Little did we realize that months later, so many of us would be grappling with the new realities of loss and death as we struggle…
Big News: Dangers From Obesity And A New Scientific Breakthrough To Reverse It
February 17, 2021
It’s no surprise: If you’re obese, you stand at greater risk of being afflicted with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or even serious COVID consequences. As one commentator has noted, getting infected with COVID as an obese person is “like pouring gasoline on top of a fire.” In fact,…