Vote Of Confidence? Lots Of Obstacles To Voting This Fall
September 2, 2020
Anyone with a pulse is probably aware that we are heading toward consequential elections this fall and that voters are likely to face many obstacles, whether they plan to vote in person or by mail. Especially for older voters, who in previous elections showed up at the polls in greater…
Aches And Pains: Methods To Address The Pain You’re Feeling
September 2, 2020
Whether from inactivity, stress, or the inability to seek out help, many are experiencing ongoing pain as we continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, recent surveys report that millions are feeling increased back, neck, and foot pain, which is not at all surprising given that many have forsaken…
Pandemic Portraits: Photography And Images That Capture Our Current Situation
August 26, 2020
The photographer Ansel Adams once said, “Photography is an austere and blazing poetry of the real.” In the reality of our current times, it’s hard to process the collective trauma we’ve all been experiencing, yet there are intrepid photographers who today are capturing the story of the pandemic, especially its…
Beware Before Your Share: Misinformation And Scams In The COVID Era
August 26, 2020
Our dependence on news and information these days feels unprecedented. To keep ourselves safe, aware, and up-to-date on the latest news regarding the pandemic almost requires a herculean effort, as updates and revisions seem to come at lightning speed. Virtually from the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, agebuzz has tried…
Hold The Phone: What’s Your Take On Telemedicine?
August 19, 2020
According to a brand new survey from the National Poll on Healthy Aging, up until May of 2019, only 4% of adults age 50-80 had ever experienced a telemedicine visit with a health care provider. However, from the 3 months of March- June 2020, 26% of respondents had had such…
The End Of Trends? Fashion And Its Relevance Today
August 19, 2020
For many, late summer often signifies the excitement of the coming fall- new movies, new performances, new television shows, even new fashion trends. But as with much else, this year is different. In fact, it’s relevant to ask whether fashion trends even have meaning anymore. With “Fashion Week” canceled around…