The Big Picture: Photos That Capture The Reality Of This Year
December 16, 2020
It’s been a year that’s difficult to put into words: with the lives lost, the suffering experienced, and the loneliness that’s ensued, all too many of us have been challenged in ways we’ve never experienced before- and it seems this will continue for months to come. But if you have…
Hot Shot: What You Need To Know About COVID Vaccines
December 16, 2020
So it looks like we’re at the beginning of the end…or, are we at the end of the beginning? There’s no doubt that the arrival of safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19 is an unprecedented scientific breakthrough that will potentially save an untold number of lives and prevent serious illness…
Risk Assessment: Avoiding COVID Over The Next Few Months
December 9, 2020
While it feels like a long time coming, the reality is that the development of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines has come at a remarkable speed and it appears that very soon, vaccinations will begin in this country, as they already have in Britain and elsewhere. And while there remain…
A Little Goes A Long Way: Even Brief Bouts Of Indoor Exercise Have Value
December 2, 2020
We knew this was coming, but now that we’re here, the forecast sounds ominous: Predictions are that given the continuing spread of the coronavirus, and with activity moving back indoors and holiday gatherings taking shape (despite public health warnings), we face a “long darkness before dawn.” In essence, the next…
Remember The “Other” Vaccine: The Flu Is Still A Concern During COVID
December 2, 2020
With all the focus on COVID and the emerging new vaccines, it’s easy to forget that there’s another critically important vaccine already available that’s essential to maintaining your health: the yearly influenza vaccine. Reports to date show a sizable uptick in the number of people requesting this year’s flu vaccine,…
A Shot In The Dark: Challenges Ahead With COVID-19 Vaccines
November 18, 2020
The recent reports look quite promising but the need for caution persists, so don’t break out the champagne quite yet. We now have press releases concerning the development and efficacy of 2 promising COVID-19 vaccines (as well as just-breaking news about the Oxford COVID vaccine which shows special promise in…