In A Fog: Is Your Mental Haze “Brain Fog”?
October 14, 2020
One of the most troubling aspects of infection with the coronavirus appears to be that even among those who experience only “mild” cases (i.e., not requiring hospitalization), many appear to have lingering after-effects that impair their cognition, memory, and ability to focus their attention. In fact, among COVID patients over…
Hale And Hearty: Now More Than Ever You Need To Be Eating Well
October 14, 2020
As we move back inside and prepare to hunker down during the coming winter months, we will continue to face threats to our health. In so many places, COVID is still raging strong and case numbers continue to rise. That means none of us can afford to let down our…
Travel Light: Travel Considerations For The Coming Months
October 7, 2020
In “normal” times, this would be the time of year many of us make holiday or new year’s travel plans. However, given that there is no more “normal,” many are wondering whether and how we can make plans to travel around the world again, either domestically or even internationally. Well,…
Best Guesses: How Will Our Pandemic Lives Play Out Over The Coming Months
September 30, 2020
For many, the arrival of Fall typically kicks off an array of activities timed to celebrate upcoming holidays. From Halloween to Hanukkah, and Thanksgiving to Christmas, this is usually the time we begin to strategize who’s hosting which events and where we will be heading. But not this year. As…
Going Viral: The Coming “Twindemic” Of COVID And Flu
September 30, 2020
The hope was we’d be in a better place at this point. Early on in the COVID pandemic, there was always the worry that if we didn’t get the virus under control during the summer, we could face the potential of 2 viral threats at once: COVID 19 along with…
Letter Perfect: The Re-Emergence And Value Of Letter Writing
September 23, 2020
In some ways, we’ve never been more connected with our friends and family, despite the presence of social distancing. We can Telephone, Zoom, FaceTime, Text, or Email and within a matter of seconds, check up on those we are missing. Yet, for many, especially older adults, this tech-connection leaves something…