A Shot In The Dark: Challenges Ahead With COVID-19 Vaccines
November 18, 2020
The recent reports look quite promising but the need for caution persists, so don’t break out the champagne quite yet. We now have press releases concerning the development and efficacy of 2 promising COVID-19 vaccines (as well as just-breaking news about the Oxford COVID vaccine which shows special promise in…
Gender Disparities: Some Health Differences Borne By Older Women
November 11, 2020
These have been hard times for everyone. But women, in particular, seem to be in many ways disproportionately affected by the COVID crisis. In essence, the burdens imposed by the pandemic have been significantly borne by women when it comes to caregiving, childcare, work exposure to COVID, domestic violence, and…
News You Can Use: Some Recent COVID-19 Updates
November 4, 2020
As we enter our 9th month of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to take stock of what we’ve learned and to keep track of new information as it arises. You can find every agebuzz post touching on some aspect of the coronavirus pandemic here and you can rest assured that…
Round Three: Nursing Homes Gear Up For Another COVID Surge
October 28, 2020
The data show a clear picture of the devastation caused by the pandemic in long term care facilities. While residents of such facilities account for only 8% of COVID cases, deaths from long-term care cases account for nearly 40% of all COVID fatalities in the US (the majority of those…
Early Indication: Apathy May Signal The Onset Of Dementia
October 21, 2020
While we know that healthy lifestyle behaviors can lessen the risk of being stricken with dementia and even slow the pace once symptoms of mild cognitive impairment appear, ultimately we still have little in our arsenal to stop brain deterioration from dementia once it’s taken hold. That makes it all…
Home For The Holidays: Strategies For Thanksgiving During Covid
October 21, 2020
So, have you had “the talk” yet? Have you and your usual holiday mates determined how Thanksgiving is going to play out this year? There’s little doubt what the expert advice is (though you may not want to hear it). According to the CDC, while you have to assess the…