Risky Business: Assessing Your Risk As Restrictions Are Lifted
May 27, 2020
No doubt we are living in complicated times. Not even experts are sure about basic info such as how lethal is the coronavirus or how prevalent it is in your community. Nonetheless, for better or worse, entities and establishments are beginning to open up around the country, and no matter…
Stay The Course: How To Keep Up Connections Despite Physical Distance
May 20, 2020
We have known for a long time that social isolation and loneliness in older adults are at epidemic proportions in our country and can take a significant toll on the physical and mental health of seniors. (For a deeper analysis on this, take a look at the highly-praised new book…
Test Taking: Should You Get The Coronavirus Antibody Test?
May 20, 2020
If you’ve heard nothing else about the coronavirus, you’ve probably heard the phrase “testing, testing, testing.” Public health experts and political pundits have repeatedly warned that the country cannot limit the spread of COVID-19 and fully open up until we have adequate testing to determine the prevalence of the coronavirus…
Quarantine Fatigue: Are You Getting Antsy To Get Out?
May 13, 2020
Given our individual circumstances, each of our situations has been unique as we quarantine during this pandemic. For some, that may mean sitting on the front porch or spending time in the backyard, with a lawn or long walks to keep ourselves sane. But for many, especially those quarantining alone,…
Home Alone: The Challenge Of Home Care During The Coronavirus
May 6, 2020
There’s no dispute that the coronavirus pandemic has caused untold distress and death in nursing homes and assisted living facilities around the country. But the reality is that only a minority of older adults live in such facilities. The vast majority of those 65 and older live in the community….
May Movement: Vital Exercise Is Easy To Do From Home
May 6, 2020
Many of us have probably lost track of how many weeks it’s been of quarantining at home and becoming all-too-familiar with our living room couches. Chances are, despite the improving weather, you may not be moving as much as you used to and your normal fitness routines may have fallen…