Moves To Choose: How To Decide Between Yoga And Tai Chi?
February 17, 2021
The advice has been strong and steady for some time now: Movement is essential for your health and well-being as you age. And while some of us will just hop on a mountain bike or run on a treadmill, for many, those are not realistic options. But as we’ve previously…
Set Your Sights High: Cannabis Products And Older Adults
October 7, 2020
There’s ample proof that marijuana use is on the rise, not only among younger Americans but for those of us who are well into our senior years. Given the trend toward increasing legalization in the states and the growth in the baby boomer population (with all of the aches and…
Aches And Pains: Methods To Address The Pain You’re Feeling
September 2, 2020
Whether from inactivity, stress, or the inability to seek out help, many are experiencing ongoing pain as we continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, recent surveys report that millions are feeling increased back, neck, and foot pain, which is not at all surprising given that many have forsaken…
Walk it Off: More Meditation Recommendations To Help You Cope
July 29, 2020
Those of you who have followed agebuzz for a while know that the evidence to support meditation and mindfulness is clear and compelling: For stress reduction, cognitive and emotional health, and a myriad of physical ailments, the ability to focus one’s mind and heighten one’s attention to the moment can…
Healthy Living: Have You Heard About Lifestyle Medicine?
July 8, 2020
The United States has the dubious distinction of spending much more on health care than other countries, yet experiences worse health outcomes and lower life expectancies. In fact, in the opinion of one family medicine physician, we actually have “a disease care industry not a health care industry.” That is,…
Mind Over Madness: Taking Up A Yoga Practice During The Pandemic
April 22, 2020
You’re not alone if you’ve reached the point in your quarantine where you’re beginning to feel a bit crazy. The news continues to be somber, the uncertainty hasn’t ceased and the summer is approaching- but you’re likely to spend much of your time indoors if the coronavirus has its way….