Pairing Up: Trying Out New Dating Options
September 22, 2021
After all these many months of sitting at home, often in a solitary state, many of us are not only ready to get out and socialize again but perhaps even ready to put our toe in the water of dating. We already know that social engagement is incredibly valuable for…
Stop And Listen: Being There To Listen Will Cognitively Benefit Your Loved Ones
August 18, 2021
Undoubtedly you know by now the value and importance of friendships as you grow older. We know that both close relationships, as well as casual contacts, are essential for healthy physical and cognitive aging. And now, with research just published in the JAMA Network Open, from the NYU Grossman School…
Ties That Unite: The Value Of Social Interaction In Everyday Life
August 4, 2021
Even before the lockdowns of the last year and a half, we’ve known that loneliness has been a huge public health threat in both the United States and worldwide. And yes, many older adults were resilient during the pandemic and even took to technology in surprising and beneficial ways. But…
Asking For A Friend: Understanding The Nature and Benefit Of Friendships in Later Life
July 14, 2021
By now, especially if you’ve been vaccinated, you’ve likely broken out of your pandemic restrictions and embraced a return to gatherings with family and good friends. Over the years agebuzz has promoted the importance and value of friendships for your health and well-being. It’s likely, however, that the pandemic has…
Competitive Edge: The Benefits Of Athletic Competition As An Older Adult
June 16, 2021
Some of us have a hard enough time getting off the couch on any particular day. Others understand the significant boost to health and well-being that exercise can provide, especially if we abide by the expert recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week. Then…
Out From Under: How Do We Solve The Loneliness Epidemic?
May 26, 2021
With the arrival of spring and an increasing number of Americans vaccinated, you might think that the problems of loneliness and social isolation, so prevalent among older adults during Covid, are no longer a concern. After all, once it’s safe to go out again, doesn’t that symbolize the end of…