Deal With The Disarray: Can You Organize (Or Dispose Of) Your Clutter This Year?
January 11, 2023
It’s once again that time of year to take stock of your life and rethink the way forward. What do you want to do differently this year? How can you go about organizing for change or clearing the way for a new path? Well, perhaps you can start literally by…
What’s Left Behind: Who Bears The Burden Of Getting Rid Of Your Possessions?
August 17, 2022
Though we’ve addressed the topic previously, and there are lots of good ideas out there about how to discard unnecessary or unneeded items cluttering your home, chances are most of you continue to have way too many possessions filling your closets or cupboards, with little likelihood of ridding yourself of…
Lessen Your Load: Are You Beginning To Get Rid Of Stuff?
May 25, 2022
Here’s a stunning statistic: In the United States right now, there are more self-storage facilities (about 50,000) than there are McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger Kings, Starbucks, and Walmarts combined. We are clearly a nation that has more stuff than we need or are using. And whether we want to downsize our…
Neat And Tidy: Ideas To Clean Out The Clutter
January 12, 2022
Many of us have had quite a bit of downtime over the past couple of years, allowing us to think about how we live and what we might want to change when/if life returns to some level of normalcy. And while the pandemic has introduced many of us to the…
Changing Course: Are You Preparing For A Later-In-Life Move?
September 15, 2021
How are you celebrating Senior Move Managers Week, which has been declared from September 12- September 18th? In case you’re unaware, a certified senior move manager is an insured, trained professional able to help both older individuals and their families to either age-in-place or move to another location, with help…
Mess And Emotions: Move Beyond Your Feelings To Discard Your Clutter
April 14, 2021
Many of us had great expectations. We saw the enforced downtime during the pandemic as an ideal opportunity to clean out and throw out: to get rid of the junk that’s cluttered our homes and stuffed our drawers for way too long. If you were able to do that, congratulations….