One Step Ahead: The Benefits From Walking More Steps
March 19, 2025
Have the longer days and warmer weather inspired you to tie up your laces and get outside walking again? As we’ve continuously said, any physical movement is better than being sedentary, and the more you move, the better you’ll feel, especially if you’re outside surrounded by nature. So whether your…
In The Cold: Cool Temperature Concerns For Older Adults
January 22, 2025
You’re likely aware of the threat that extreme heat poses to older adults. What you may not realize is that cold weather, especially extremes like the polar vortex many of us have experienced this winter, can also pose a serious threat to humans, especially older adults. In fact, there’s new…
(Don’t) Sit Still: Whether Sitting Or Standing, You Need To Be Moving
November 6, 2024
You probably don’t need this reminder but it’s important to reiterate: Sitting for long stretches at a time can lead to real physical and mental health problems, as we’ve highlighted over the years. Sitting for hours at a time can negatively affect your heart, joints, muscles, blood vessels, and mental…
Day Drinking: Staying Hydrated Throughout The Day
June 19, 2024
Over the last several weeks we’ve spotlighted the concern about excessive sun exposure (causing skin cancer and requiring cautionary behavior) along with the dangers posed by excessive heat. This is all in anticipation of the extreme heat many of us are likely to face this summer (and some of us…
Can’t Take The Heat: Rising Summer Heat Is Intolerable For Older Adults
May 21, 2024
Last summer, we wondered if we were all experiencing the hottest summer on record. Well, as it turns out, we were. New research published in the journal Nature confirmed that in the Northern Hemisphere, the temperatures reached last summer were the highest experienced in 2000 years. Of course, record-keeping on…
Climb Higher: Stair Climbing Meets Your Aerobic And Strength Training Needs
May 8, 2024
We’ve previously cited expert advice about the value of stair climbing as a way to sneak in exercise without really trying. Now comes new research presented at the 2024 European Preventive Cardiology Conference that provides further evidence of the value of stair climbing, as a way to lower your risk…