Diet Disaster: Your Previous And Current Diets Are Likely Harming Your Health
May 13, 2020
So what’s cooking with you? Chances are, you’re actually doing a lot more cooking these days, with restaurants mostly closed and budgets more limited. Has your increased presence in the kitchen changed the way you eat? Are you improvising with whatever ingredients you can get your hands on? For some,…
Vanishing Act: What Happened To Those Of Us With Non-COVID Medical Needs?
May 6, 2020
Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries of the coronavirus outbreak has nothing to do with the virus itself, but rather what may be “collateral damage” from the pandemic: that is, patients who need important non-COVID-19 medical care but are not showing up at physician’s offices or hospitals. Given the guidance…
Uniquely Vulnerable: Why The Immune Systems Of Older Adults Put You At More Risk
March 18, 2020
Like almost everything else you face as you get older, your immune system becomes a bit slower as you age. Your ability to fight things off weakens, you may acquire an autoimmune disorder (like rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis) or your ability to detect and correct cell defects may decline (which…
Updates and Additions: The Latest News On The Corona Virus And Older Adults
March 11, 2020
As fast as the Coronavirus seems to be spreading, so too does our understanding of who’s at risk and how we can best protect ourselves and our loved ones. Since last week, one fact has become quite clear: According to the CDC, older adults, and especially those over 80 or…
Too Much: Rising Obesity Rates And Accelerated Aging
March 4, 2020
It’s pretty common to put on a few extra pounds as we get older. But it’s one thing for your slacks to feel snug and another to gain so much weight that you put your health at risk. And that’s exactly what’s happening to almost ½ of all adults in…
Spread This News: Coronavirus And Older Adults
March 4, 2020
By now you’ve likely heard about the coronavirus, the respiratory viral infection that appears to spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets. While our understanding of the disease, its origins and spread within our communities is rapidly evolving (the news in this post is current as of March 4th, 2020), at…