A Costly Affair: Bearing The Finances Of Long Term Care
February 23, 2022
No matter how much you plan and whatever you anticipate, the reality of what you or a loved one will pay for long term care is often unpredictable and frequently unmanageable. While we’ve posted about this issue earlier, it’s important to keep this in mind: long term care prices keep…
That Will Cost You: Caring For Yourself Or Loved Ones During The Later Years
October 6, 2021
It’s a mixed message for sure, but one to which we need to pay careful attention. In a new study out of the Center For Retirement Research at Boston College, experts found that the percentage of older adults needing long-term care services is a more nuanced picture than the media…
Food As Medicine: The Connection Between What You Eat And How You Age
September 22, 2021
No doubt you’ve heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While that’s not literally true, there’s solid science behind the concept that the food you eat, and the nutrients that make up that food, can have a profound effect on how your body ages and…
The ABCs Of CBD: Part II Of Our Interview With CBD Producer Bonnie Hagen, Founder of Bright Energy Wellness
July 28, 2021
Last week, agebuzz presented Part I of our interview with Bonnie Hagen, Founder of Bright Energy Wellness. In that interview, Bonnie discussed some of the background and basics regarding CBD, its use, its risks and benefits, and its availability. This week, we continue the conversation with Bonnie regarding how CBD…
The ABCs of CBD: An Interview With CBD Producer Bonnie Hagen, Founder of Bright Energy Wellness
July 21, 2021
The past 18 months have left many of us anxious and uncertain, as well as stressed and strained, as we’ve navigated our health and well-being under very difficult circumstances. As a result, many have been in search of help for the pain, anxiety, and other sources of distress that have…
Caution Before Swallowing: Researchers Find Too Much Aspirin Use In Older Adults
June 23, 2021
Most of us likely grew up with aspirin as a regularly used medication in our households. Whether the good old-fashioned Bayer brand or one of the other commercially available aspirin-based brands like “Bufferin” or “Anacin,” most of us can remember our parents taking or recommending a tablet for headache or…