Sick And Tired: The Connection Between Aging And Fatigue
April 12, 2023
There are days when you just feel tired and not up to your usual daily activities. Maybe you over-exerted yourself the day before. Maybe you had a restless night and didn’t sleep well. Maybe you didn’t eat or drink enough the previous day and your body is now feeling the…
Carry Water: Poor Hydration May Accelerate Aging
January 11, 2023
While for many, the new year conjures up the notion of “dry January” (meaning abstaining from alcohol), it’s clear from recent research as well as long-established scientific evidence that when it comes to drinking water, it’s important to regularly drink, especially for older adults. We’ve previously addressed the concerns that…
Mind Boggling: Dementia Diagnoses & Evolving Demographic Trends
October 26, 2022
We all know that as a society, our population is getting older and living longer than previous generations. And while that’s a wonderful trend if you are able to get more years of good health and quality living, the flipside of that is many of us will face, either for…
Pressure Points: Why You Should Be Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
October 5, 2022
Instinctively, you likely know that it’s important to keep your blood pressure in check. We’ve certainly addressed the topic previously and it’s one of those essential health markers that almost all of us have experienced during a medical exam (ever feel like the cuff on the blood pressure monitor is…
Worth Your Weight: Warnings About Middle-Age Weight Gain For Women
August 10, 2022
It’s been called a public health epidemic and looking at the data it’s not hard to see why. With estimates that by 2030 one in two US adults will be obese and with consistently rising weight gains reported, the implications for the health of our country (and our aging adults)…
Less With Stress: How Everyday Stressors Diminish Your Immune System
June 22, 2022
The news was already not so good when it comes to your aging immune system. We’ve seen from the Covid pandemic that older adults have been more vulnerable to the ravages of the coronavirus than younger people, and we know that, in fact, your aging immune system is less effective…