Upbeat: Your Brain Can Actually Improve With Age
August 25, 2021
Many of us expect the worst: as we get older, we presume that our brainpower will diminish, our cognition will decline and our brains will be vulnerable to the ravages of dementia. That’s certainly the prevailing imagery we see in the mainstream media. But in fact, there’s something not quite…
Game On: New Research Connects Cognitive Activity With Delayed Dementia
July 28, 2021
No matter your age or abilities, most of us find playing a game, either alone or in a group, to be engaging and enjoyable. In fact, during the pandemic, there’s evidence of a substantial uptick in video game popularity, even among older adults, as a way to connect with loved…
An Ounce Of Prevention: New Tests To Detect Mild Cognitive Impairment
March 10, 2021
Has this happened to you? You see your neighbor (perhaps after a long pandemic hiatus) and go to say hello and suddenly can’t remember her name? Or you get ready to meet a friend for a walk and can’t remember where the keys are? It’s one thing to have occasional…
Sharp As A Tack: Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Critical Insights About Better Brain Health
January 13, 2021
He may not recommend multi-tasking as a way to keep your brain sharp, but Dr. Sanjay Gupta certainly juggles many hats and tasks himself at the same time. He’s a practicing brain surgeon, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at Emory University and Associate Chief of Neurosurgery at Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital,…
Countering Cognitive Decline: Ways To Keep Your Brain Young
September 30, 2020
It’s an almost universal fear: What will happen if you begin to notice cognitive decline in yourself? Perhaps you start to forget a few names or places. Or maybe it takes you a little longer to do some simple calculations. Or what if you’ve forgotten an event that a friend…