Strolls and Poles: How To Jazz Up Your Walking Routine
August 4, 2022
Whether it’s the summer heat or the summer doldrums, you may be having trouble motivating yourself to go on daily walks these days. While we’ve certainly touted the benefits of a walking routine to support healthy aging, after a while the same routine may get a little dull and won’t…
Risk Reduction: How To Lessen The Likelihood Of Falling
July 27, 2022
None of us needs a reminder of how prevalent falls can be as you get on in years, or how fearful you can become if you’ve had a bad fall. As you’ve previously read, there are myriad reasons why a person can fall. Whether due to balance problems, leg weakness,…
A Leg To Stand On: Can You Pass This Balance Test?
June 29, 2022
Experts tell us that once we hit our mid-50s, our balance begins to diminish somewhat quickly. While we may joke about becoming wobbly, losing our stability and becoming unsteady are no joke: Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury-based deaths worldwide. Each year, it’s estimated that globally over…
Strike A Balance: Recommended Exercises To Shore Up Your Balance
June 8, 2022
Here are some essential truths about our balance as we get older: First, few of us escape a balance decline as we age. It’s just a fact that our muscles lose strength, our joints become stiffer and the important info about our balance that travels from our body to the…
Stretch Your Legs: Stretching Is Essential For Healthier Aging
May 18, 2022
As the saying goes, “Move it or lose it.” Most of us know that it’s essential to regularly move in order to keep strong, upright, and functioning as we get older. Whether it’s a daily walk, active chores around the house, or a competitive game of tennis, you need to…
Be Well: Things To Know About B Vitamins And Other Nutrients As You Age
April 6, 2022
There’s no doubt that the best way to ensure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients that you need is through a healthy, balanced diet. But life doesn’t always allow for that: maybe because of a medical condition your diet is restricted; or maybe, due to physical conditions involving chewing…