Down-Fall: None Of Us Is Immune From The Dangers Of A Fall
March 15, 2023
You may love him or hate him, but chances are you (or someone you love) now have something in common with 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: That is, a serious fall leading to injury and hospitalization. As you may know, Senator McConnell recently tripped at a private dinner in…
Step This Way: New Insights On The Health Benefits Of Walking
March 8, 2023
As an agebuzz reader, you know our steady drumbeat about the health benefits of walking. As an easy-to-initiate activity, walking, whether slow and steady or faster with purpose, can help sharpen your brain, trim your waste, and work all the muscles necessary to keep you upright and balanced. Merely by…
Core Approach: Exercises To Shore Up Your Core, Whether Sitting Or Standing
February 15, 2023
Whether you’re a golfer, gardener, or gamer, you’ve likely come to realize that staying flexible, maintaining balance and strength, and lessening the likelihood of back pain are all essential if you want to pursue your passion. The problem is, as you get older, all of these goals become harder to…
Steps And Stairs: Walking Strategies To Enhance Your Health
February 8, 2023
With the cold, winter weather currently underway, it’s likely you’re walking less outside- though if you are, you need to dress warmly and tread carefully. Winter weather doesn’t necessarily give you a reprieve from keeping up your fitness and making sure you get in a certain number of steps each…
Optimal Exercise: Experts Suggest Building Strength As You Age
February 1, 2023
There’s certainly no lack of information and advice about exercise and aging on agebuzz. Whether it’s about walking, weight lifting or just moving your body as frequently as possible, we’ve signed on to the essential wisdom that, “Exercise is the best prescription for maintaining your independence.” But is there a…
Falling Smartly And Safely: Advice On Avoiding Serious Injury
January 25, 2023
As an older adult, you’re probably aware of the risk of falling and sustaining serious injury. While we can safely say that no one wants to fall, we can also state that the older you get, the more likely you are to fall, and once you’ve fallen, your risk of…