Go On Foot: Strategies To Maximize The Value Of Your Summer Walks
August 18, 2021
Now that we’re in the dog days of August, you’ve likely strategized to take your daily walks early in the morning or at dusk in the evening, to stay cool and comfortable while still getting in your steps. Those are good strategies, given how important walking is for your brain…
Shape Up: A Conversation With Certified Personal Trainer Sara Frederick
August 11, 2021
By now, you know how important movement and exercise are for your health and well-being. The problem is, depending on your current state of health and fitness, it may be a challenge to figure out what’s the best form of exercise. As we age, our bodies and abilities change and…
Steady And Stable: Strategies To Improve Balance And Lessen Fall Injuries
August 4, 2021
While it’s not inevitable, it is a fact that the older you become, the greater your risk of falling. The CDC reports that one in 4 adults age 65 and older falls each year, and falls are the leading cause of both non-fatal and fatal injuries among older adults, with…
Becoming A “Fall Prevention” Detective: Practical Advice From Expert Molly Roffman
May 19, 2021
As an agebuzz reader, you’re likely aware of the important advice we’ve shared from Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman. Whether it’s keeping us alert and upright, or sharing wisdom on how to regain strength and balance after the pandemic activity pause, Molly’s got essential information to help us all…
Easy Eight: Great Safety And Healthy Aging Gifts For Mother’s Day
April 28, 2021
With Mother’s Day around the corner, some of us may be struggling to find an appropriate gift, especially given the year we’ve all had. While frivolous items may come to mind, in fact, we’ve all learned the lesson this year of the importance of safe and healthy aging. With that…
Pave The Way: Adaptive Products That Allow You To Age In Place
April 28, 2021
It’s a truism we’ve addressed many times: most of us would prefer to “age in place” as we get older. We want to stay in a familiar environment, among the people and places we love, rather than move to a facility. But for many, physical impairment may accompany aging, so…