Tip The Balance: Counter Your Fear Of Falling With Better Balance
February 7, 2024
You may have it or you may know others who have it. Your fear may be tied to prior experiences or just be a product of anticipatory dread. But whether it’s rational or not, it’s best to address it head-on. Basophobia, otherwise known as the fear of falling, is a…
Buzz Cup: Consuming Caffeine As You Get Older
October 18, 2023
Most would agree that there’s nothing like a good cup of coffee, especially to get you going in the morning. In fact, a recent survey of 2000 American coffee drinkers found that 81% of those surveyed said it’s that first cup of the day that motivates them to get out…
Pins And Needles: Aging With Anxiety
March 15, 2023
There are probably lots of good reasons for you to feel anxious these days. Maybe you’re experiencing health problems. Maybe you’re worried about your family or even the future of our country. Maybe you’re concerned about inflation and the endurance of your retirement savings (or maybe even the safety of…
Less Stress: New Research Suggests Older Adults Experience Less Stress
January 18, 2023
While for some, the vision of life as an older adult is one of retirement, relaxation, and soaking up a carefree life, most of us know the reality is not quite so rosy, even if you’ve managed to save enough money to afford a comfortable lifestyle. But many of us…
Aging And Anxious: The Plight Of LGBTQ Older Adults
October 26, 2022
He’s known for his guest columns in the Washington Post and his recent humorous book, “Stupid Things I Won’t Do When I Get Old: A Highly Judgmental, Unapologetically Honest Accounting of All the Things Our Elders Are Doing Wrong.” But there’s nothing funny about his most recent column, entitled “The…
Focus Factor: Meditate For Your Mind And Body
October 12, 2022
No doubt this Fall continues to feed a sense of stress and anxiety in many of us. With escalating rhetoric and war in Ukraine, important upcoming elections, and inflation clouding our economic prosperity, it’s no wonder many of us are nervous these days. But as we’ve discussed in previous posts,…