A Sobering Thought: Raising Awareness About The Health Harms Of Alcohol
January 22, 2025
Here’s a sobering statistic: The number of deaths caused by alcohol-associated diseases more than doubled during the years 1999-2020. According to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine, in 2020, nearly 50,000 people, aged 25-85, died in the United States as a result of such alcohol-caused illnesses as…
Contemplating Cancer: Can You Lower Your Risk Of A Cancer Diagnosis?
July 17, 2024
As you enter your later years, the risk of being diagnosed with cancer goes up. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and your risk of being diagnosed doubles between the ages of 50 and 60, and then again, from ages 60-80. Upon reaching age…
Deadly Drinks: Alcohol Heightens Your Risk For Serious Health Problems
July 17, 2024
Not very long ago, we highlighted worrisome trends of alcohol consumption in older adults. Now we can report more worrisome news about what even moderate alcohol consumption can do to your physical health. First, as reported elsewhere in agebuzz, we now have a new study implicating alcohol as one of…
Espresso Yourself: What Is Coffee Doing For You?
July 10, 2024
Have you started your iced coffee routine yet this summer? For many, a nice iced coffee or cold brew (check out the difference between the two here) is just what it takes to get going on a summer morning. But that raises the perennial question: Is it okay to start…
No Stress: Lowering Your Stress Levels Will Improve Your Health
June 12, 2024
No one could blame you if you feel under stress these days. Putting aside world and domestic events (which are likely the cause of stress for an untold number of us), if your health is problematic, your caregiving responsibilities are significant, your money concerns are ever-present or life is not…
Brew Ha Ha: The Ongoing Debate About Your Coffee Consumption
April 3, 2024
The debate continues. We’ve previously posted about the many health benefits that appear to be derived from consuming coffee: everything from the boost of mental alertness from the caffeine to the anti-inflammatory protections from the antioxidants in coffee. You can add to that the results of a brand new study…