Tech Solutions: Digital Platforms And Apps To Support Your End-Of-Life Planning
May 18, 2022
As an agebuzz reader, no doubt you’re aware of the value of advance care planning: both to ensure that your values and wishes control your health care at the end of life and to help loved ones with the difficult decisions that need to be made as death approaches. It’s…
We Need To Talk: Advance Care Planning Essential Conversations
April 13, 2022
How are you planning to mark this Saturday, April 16th, which is National Healthcare Decisions Day? Maybe grab your best friends or your closest loved ones and have a really good heart-to-heart about what matters and what you fear the most? Good communication and heartfelt conversation are the foundation for…
Skill Set: Can You Still Handle The Practical Activities Of Daily Living?
March 30, 2022
Intuitively, you likely know what the essential skills are for living independently and on your own in the community: You need to be able to walk (or otherwise get around your environment), eat, and toilet yourself. You also need to be able to obtain and prepare food, keep yourself and…
Homebound: Challenges & Supports As You Age In Place
March 24, 2022
It’s likely you’ve heard the phrase “It takes a village” when it comes to raising children. But for those of us going through “aging in place” (either for ourselves or our loved ones) we know it often takes a village to provide support and services to older adults living in…
On A Personal Mission: Actor Samuel L. Jackson Brings An Alzheimer’s Story To Life
March 16, 2022
You likely know him as the bad-ass hitman in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction or maybe from his roles in Jurassic Park or Do The Right Thing. He’s had a strong presence in the film industry for many decades and is even about to be presented with an honorary Oscar at…
A Costly Affair: Bearing The Finances Of Long Term Care
February 23, 2022
No matter how much you plan and whatever you anticipate, the reality of what you or a loved one will pay for long term care is often unpredictable and frequently unmanageable. While we’ve posted about this issue earlier, it’s important to keep this in mind: long term care prices keep…