Come Hell Or High Water: Will You Be Prepared If Disaster Strikes?
October 12, 2022
Life is always a series of trade-offs – weighing the risks versus benefits of your decisions. For many, especially those who have retired, choosing a place to spend retirement years may mean prioritizing good weather or leisure activities and a low-cost lifestyle over the risk of occasional bad weather. Retirees…
Story Time: Some Late Summer Book Recommendations
August 24, 2022
Whether you’re trying to squeeze the last days of leisure out of summer or looking forward to a busy fall, you may have time for one more summer read before Labor Day arrives. In that case, we have a few new titles for you to consider, ranging from light and…
Ongoing Grief: Is Your Grief Normal Or Something Else?
June 22, 2022
If you’re getting older then you’re likely getting experience in what it’s like to grieve. None of us escape the inevitable losses that accompany aging. Whether it’s the literal death of loved ones or friends, the emotional loss of chapters that have closed or friendships that have faded, or even…
Delights For Dad: Some Easy-To-Order Father’s Day Gifts
June 8, 2022
We’re just 10 days away from Father’s Day 2022- and given the year that the fathers, grandfathers, and father figures in your life have likely had, they are certainly owed a little treat to acknowledge their place in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Keeping in mind…
Lessen Your Load: Are You Beginning To Get Rid Of Stuff?
May 25, 2022
Here’s a stunning statistic: In the United States right now, there are more self-storage facilities (about 50,000) than there are McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger Kings, Starbucks, and Walmarts combined. We are clearly a nation that has more stuff than we need or are using. And whether we want to downsize our…
It’s A Racket: Updates on Senior Scams
May 25, 2022
Perhaps you think you’re too smart to be scammed. Or believe you’re immune from being the target of fraud. Or you’re sure you’d never fall for some kind of swindle. Well, it’s nice to be confident but in the current environment, you’d also have to be really lucky not to…