What’s Left Behind: Who Bears The Burden Of Getting Rid Of Your Possessions?
August 17, 2022
Though we’ve addressed the topic previously, and there are lots of good ideas out there about how to discard unnecessary or unneeded items cluttering your home, chances are most of you continue to have way too many possessions filling your closets or cupboards, with little likelihood of ridding yourself of…
Lessen Your Load: Are You Beginning To Get Rid Of Stuff?
May 25, 2022
Here’s a stunning statistic: In the United States right now, there are more self-storage facilities (about 50,000) than there are McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger Kings, Starbucks, and Walmarts combined. We are clearly a nation that has more stuff than we need or are using. And whether we want to downsize our…
A Costly Affair: Bearing The Finances Of Long Term Care
February 23, 2022
No matter how much you plan and whatever you anticipate, the reality of what you or a loved one will pay for long term care is often unpredictable and frequently unmanageable. While we’ve posted about this issue earlier, it’s important to keep this in mind: long term care prices keep…
I’m “Giving It Twice,” Helping My Son & Leaving a Lasting Legacy By Kathleen Rehl
November 17, 2021
Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® Emeritus www.KathleenRehl.com “I’m going to jail, Mom! But I didn’t do it.” My biracial son’s frantic phone call from a police station over 1,000 miles away made me tear into mama bear mode. With the help of effective, expensive legal and professional…
Kinship: The Dilemma Of Dealing With Aging Parents
July 28, 2021
No doubt, the visits between the generations have likely resumed. Whether you’re finally hugging your grandchildren again or are reckoning with your parents’ “aging-in-place” plan, you’ve likely made your mental list of what was lost during the pandemic and what can be rekindled or strengthened. Particularly for those who are…
Wealth And Health: Your Money May Help You Live Longer
July 28, 2021
While it may be true that money can’t buy you love, two new studies seem to confirm that it can buy you a longer life- that, in fact, there’s a direct correlation between your wealth and your health, so that if you aspire to a long life, you may want…