Tip The Balance: Counter Your Fear Of Falling With Better Balance
February 7, 2024
You may have it or you may know others who have it. Your fear may be tied to prior experiences or just be a product of anticipatory dread. But whether it’s rational or not, it’s best to address it head-on. Basophobia, otherwise known as the fear of falling, is a…
Never Ending: Long Term Care Costs Continue To Go Up
August 23, 2023
It likely comes as no surprise to agebuzz readers: Paying for the costs of long term care- whether in your home, at an adult day care center, or at an assisted living facility or nursing home- can be enormously expensive, in fact, out of reach for many if not most….
Driving To The Edge: When Is It Time To Hand Over The Keys?
July 26, 2023
For anyone who’s had to ask an older adult to give up driving, or who has made the decision for herself, you know how agonizing and distressing it can be to lay down the keys and say goodbye to what is likely a vital part of everyday life. This is…
Core Approach: Exercises To Shore Up Your Core, Whether Sitting Or Standing
February 15, 2023
Whether you’re a golfer, gardener, or gamer, you’ve likely come to realize that staying flexible, maintaining balance and strength, and lessening the likelihood of back pain are all essential if you want to pursue your passion. The problem is, as you get older, all of these goals become harder to…
Skill Set: Can You Still Handle The Practical Activities Of Daily Living?
March 30, 2022
Intuitively, you likely know what the essential skills are for living independently and on your own in the community: You need to be able to walk (or otherwise get around your environment), eat, and toilet yourself. You also need to be able to obtain and prepare food, keep yourself and…