Essential But Underutilized: Why Your Doctor Should Prescribe Exercise
February 19, 2025
Typically when you see your doctor, you might leave with a prescription for medication to address a specific problem. Or, you might receive a prescription for physical therapy to get you a limited number of sessions to help with some physical discomfort. But what you’re not likely to receive- but…
Off Balance: Ways To Test And Improve Your Balance
October 30, 2024
Hand in hand with your fear of falling is likely a twin concern about maintaining or improving your balance. Having good balance is essential to living an active and independent life in your later years. If you can’t count on staying upright and off the ground, you’re likely going to…
Active Aging: Exercising To Keep You Functional And Flexible
October 23, 2024
Have you reached the age where you believe exercise is no longer necessary- or even recommended? If you think you have, think again: Because there is no age at which physical activity and movement become unnecessary or irrelevant. Under the notion of “move it or lose it,” examples abound of…
Majority Rules: Most Older Adults Rightly Worry About Long Term Care Costs
August 21, 2024
It’s an existential dilemma that keeps many awake at night: How to pay for long term care, either for yourself or a loved one. Few of us will escape this challenge, and few of us can easily afford the care and support we or a loved one may need. So…
Core Values: Exercise Your Way To A Stronger Core And More Stability
August 14, 2024
While you likely don’t give it much thought, it turns out that exercises that build up and strengthen your core are critical to comfortably and fluidly conducting your daily activities and engaging in almost all other types of exercise and movement. What exactly makes up “your core?” As we’ve previously…
Climb Higher: Stair Climbing Meets Your Aerobic And Strength Training Needs
May 8, 2024
We’ve previously cited expert advice about the value of stair climbing as a way to sneak in exercise without really trying. Now comes new research presented at the 2024 European Preventive Cardiology Conference that provides further evidence of the value of stair climbing, as a way to lower your risk…