Everyday Ageism: Even Casual Encounters With Ageism Can Be Harmful
November 30, 2022
If you’re of a “certain age,” you’ve likely experienced some form of ageism while going about your daily activities. And by ageism, we don’t necessarily mean outright explicit discrimination or denial of opportunities because of your age (though of course, those actions are commonplace for so many, especially those seeking…
Time For A Reset: Reframing Ageist Attitudes
March 16, 2022
While perhaps not as overt as it was at the beginning of the pandemic (when politicians openly suggested that older adults sacrifice themselves for the good of the economy) ageism continues to be one of the few remaining “isms” that is openly voiced and often humorously bandied about in popular…
Hot Stuff: Older Adults And Climate Change
September 8, 2021
No matter where you live, you’ve likely now felt the effects. As The Washington Post recently reported, nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer and 64% of us live in a place that experienced a multi-day heatwave sometime in the last few months. It’s no longer…