Can I Help? Products For Dementia Patients And Their Caregivers

Can I Help? Products For Dementia Patients And Their Caregivers
April 4, 2018
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. For James Ashwell, the founder of Unforgettable, it was the death of his father, and dementia diagnosis of his mother, that led him to create his unique website. On Unforgettable, you will find virtually any type of assistance you can imagine to help care for a loved one with dementia. As a young man, Ashwell struggled for several years to be a hands-on caregiver for his mother. When she died, he decided there must be an easier way to find products and services to help those going through what he went through. And thus, Unforgettable was born. Because it’s a UK-based website, not every item or service available on the site will be easily accessible or appropriate for you. But you can’t beat the site for suggestions on every conceivable item you or your loved one might need when dealing with dementia at home. And, if you’re in search of a unique way to help a loved one with dementia stay connected with family and friends, you may want to check out Tribute. It’s a website that allows you to create video montages of far-away friends and family members to help celebrate milestones. Tribute now has a special feature to help facilitate the creation of such videos as a way to keep those with dementia connected to their loved ones. Check out the idea and options for this dementia Tribute video Here.