Break Some Rules: Dress However You Wish

Break Some Rules: Dress However You Wish
June 15, 2022
So it’s that time of year when many of us, at least in our younger years, might have fretted over not having a “beach body” (whatever that’s supposed to mean). But now, most of us have likely come to terms with the way we look, the way we feel, and the priorities we want to focus on in life. And you know what a beach body is for us today? It’s a body- that goes to the beach. That’s it- end of story. So all of us can have a “beach body” and enjoy the pleasures of a frolic in the surf (just make sure to use sunscreen and wear a hat!).
And if you want to really know how times have changed, then you need to see who Sports Illustrated put on its cover as a “beach body” to admire: none other than 74-year-old model Maye Musk (mother of Elon) who was one of 4 “cover girls” to grace this year’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. As the oldest woman ever to be featured in this anachronistic ritual, Maye comes off looking confident and elegant in a variety of flattering and figure-hugging (but not excessively revealing) swimsuits. Saying that she’s “excited to let people know that women in their 70s are gorgeous,” Maye, whom we’ve previously profiled in agebuzz, is breaking rules when it comes to publicly flaunting her body as an older woman. Good for her! And if you’re ready to flaunt your own body in an elegant and flattering swimsuit, take a look at some options here and here.
And speaking of breaking rules, it seems the old adage of “age-appropriate dress” is truly a relic of another era. None of us need to be confined to dressing according to someone else’s expectations of what we should be wearing, especially, as actress Jennifer Aniston is quoted as saying, “What does age-appropriate even mean when everyone from nine to 90 is wearing jeans?” After all, if you can’t take risks and dress to please yourself by the time you reach a “mature” age, what’s the point in getting dressed at all? As one woman makes clear, when dressing as you please, “It’s not vanity, it’s self-expression.” For some bold ideas of how to express yourself without the restrictions of “age appropriateness,” pull out some pops of color and click here.
Finally, for a few suggestions of styles to pick up for this summer, consider the advice from some columns on Who What Wear. For example, 55-year-old stylist Roz Kaur wants you to try styles that will work for you whether you’re 23 or 73. Among her ideas? Cool linen dresses, smart bucket hats, woven totes, and crochet tunics. Sounds like items you and a granddaughter could share. And speaking of granddaughters and grandmothers, check out this Who What Wear conversation between a granddaughter and her Nanna about styles that work across generations or can be adapted to meet the desires of young and old alike. Whether we’re talking maxi skirts or vibrant hues, there may be a meeting of the minds (and bodies) when it comes to fashion across generations this summer. So flaunt your body in the backyard or at the beach, and don’t let any rules restrict your choices. As the saying goes, you learn as you get older that rules are made to be broken.