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    agebuzz Guest Blogger: Nancy Peckenham

    Using Our Words To Re-Define What It Means To Age By Nancy Peckenham

    By Nancy Peckenham   Back in the winter of 2018, I had a revelation. I was spending long days with my 100-year-old mother at her assisted living residence and witnessed how many residents in their 80s and 90s led multi-faceted, upbeat lives. Tired stereotypes of older people fell away before…

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    Nancy Peckenham

    Nancy Peckenham is the founder and editor of Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age. She is a former cable news executive, local news reporter, and documentary filmmaker with a focus on Latin America. She has published three books and has written about her life traveling the U.S. in a Sprinter van with her husband. When not on the move, she loves gardening and spending time with her two sons.

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